Target Shotshell 12 Gauge


ELEY DTL GOLD 12G 28GR 8 1280FPS Image

Eley Hawk DTL Gold has been developed to help achieve the perfect 300 straight, with powders designed to lower recoil and minimise fatigue during competition.

Working closely with some of the country's best trap shooters, Eley have applied all their feedback into this product to deliver the ultimate cartridge for trap shooting.

DTL Gold delivers clearly reduced muzzle flip for that all important second barrel, high antimony hard shot for dense patterns and better, more consistent breaks. With special PSB+ 6 Powder, designed to produce very low recoil to minimise fatigue during competitions, these cartridges are designed to turn clays into dust at the highest competitive standard.


PACK 25.0
CASE 250.0

Product Details

Item Code Description
ED12288 ELEY DTL GOLD 12G 28GR 8 1280FPS

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