RCBS Bullet Casting



The RCBS Lube-A-Matic 2 is perfect for the serious bullet caster.

Just insert a bullet in the sizer die, pull the handle and in one easy step a sized and lubricated bullet emerges on the upstroke.

The fingertip regulator makes for fine-tune lubricant flow so just the right amount is needed. The Lube-A-Matic also automatically seats gas checks and is compatible with either RCBS or Lyman sizing dies and top punches which are not included.

Technical Information

  • Material:Steel, cast iron


  • Must use hollow sticks of bullet lube
  • The Lube-A-Matic 2 automatically seats gas checks
  • RCBS Lube-a-Matic 2 and Lyman 4500 top punches and sizing dies are interchangeabl e

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