Unprimed Cases Starline Unprimed Cases


STARLINE BRASS 32/20 100PK Image

A.K.A 32-20 Win, 32-20 Winchester, 32-20 WCF, 32-20 Marlin

1.280 - 1.286 O.A.L.

Designed for use in rifles and single action revolvers, this cartridge is making a strong comeback with the advent of cowboy action shooting. This cartridge can also be formed into .25-20, .218 Bee, and with special forming dies available from RCBS and Lee you can form a shortened version of the 7.62 Nagant cartridge.

Starline prides itself on producing the highest quality brass case available. With a production process focused on quality not quantity, Starline makes the finest brass and has done for more than 30 years.

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